I am a Sleep and Circadian Medicine Physician and couldn’t agree more with your articles/recommendations. When I hear about the conditions in hospitals for Covid patients, I am always aware that they have almost no circadian stimuli. I’m certain that the lack of zeitgebers is worsening their outcomes. I also have been telling all my patients and whoever will listen to get outside for a walk twice per day, every day while in lockdown. Walking alone (or with family) is not going to spread the virus and we will all become progressively less healthy if we stay indoors all day. “Stay home” is not quite the best message without including modifiers about getting outside. I’d love to collaborate somehow to spread the message and try to get some open-air type temporary hospitals set up to help in this epidemic. Everyone is focusing their energy on yet unproven medications when we have already have a technique that is likely to reduce morbidity and mortality for patients and providers alike. Of course neglecting lifestyle and environmental factors that contribute to poor health and instead focusing solely on medications is typical of our medical system.